[\m music playing \m\m] >> Dr. Allen Lanham: Good evening all, and thank you for being here for the finale of the symposium sponsored by the Lumpkin College of Business and Applied Sciences and the Department of Technology and Booth Library that's been taking place over the last five weeks. We've had 24 activities, this is the final one and it looks like the biggest one, too, by the way. We wanted to have all of these activities in the library, but we thought maybe we it would be a good idea to come to the former home of the library--we lived here before the fine arts lived here, after Ms. McAfee lived here. So while the Booth Library is being renovated, this is where the periodicals room was, so it's [unclear dialogue]. But thank you so much for all of you who have participated--the class, the professor and the marching band and director--thank you so much for doing this, and we hope to see you soon at other events. I present now Dr. Wafeek Wahby, who has coordinated the speaker series. >> Dr. Wafeek Wahby: Thank you. [applause]. Good evening and thank you all for being here today to make really our day. Not only our day, but our month but really our [unclear dialogue] was intended to bring us 5,000 years back and looking hopefully 5,000 years in the future. "A Futuristic Look Through Ancient Lenses". And November 2 was in the future back then but not with this present, and I wish to start with having this as a present to each of us. Well, I want to engage everyone in this room in this introduction, so [unclear dialogue]. First, I want you [unclear dialogue], to say one word. So I say "it has been said", so I want you all to say "said". So I say, it has been... >> audience: Said. >> Dr. Wahby: No, bigger one. It has been... >> audience: Said. >> Dr. Wahby: Bigger one--it has been... >> audience: Said. >> Dr. Wahby: And I'll say something. Then after I say this something, I want you to give a round of applause to [unclear dialogue]. First, someone came to my office some time ago and said 'people don't like to bleed, but when people bleed they bleed red, but when Eastern Illinois University bleeds, they bleed blue', It has been... >> audience: Said. >> Dr. Wahby: Give Eastern Illinois a round of applause. It has been... >> audience: Said. >> Dr. Wahby: Everything, including good things, must come to an end. [unclear dialogue]. So please give a round of applause to everybody who worked with this symposium, behind the scenes and in front of the camera. Round of applause. [applause]. It has been... >> audience: Said. >> Dr. Wahby: That music is a gift of heaven to Earth, and that's exactly what we're going to have today--music. Please, thank you to our friend Alan Sullivan and all these wonderful musicians, so big round of applause. [applause]. Don't say it's been said here, but they say that maybe the music would be very loud for this building, but if it goes down then we get some funds from the state to build a bigger one. It has been said that... It has been... >> audience: Said. >> Dr. Wahby: That education is one of the noblest things that human beings know, and that's why we give a round of applause to our dean of education, because education means I know something, I teach it somebody else, so two instead of one, and it multiplies. So a round of applause for education. [applause]. Before I ask the dean of education to come and introduce the rest of the [unclear dialogue], it has been... >> audience: Said. >> Dr. Wahby: A good mind lives in good health, good body. I don't know who said that, but a round of applause to all of our athletics and all of our kinesiology people, a big round of applause. [applause]. It is my great pleasure to introduce the dean of education to go ahead with the rest of [unclear dialogue]. [applause]. >> Dr. Diane Jackman: Well, I too would like to welcome you tonight on behalf of the faculty and students of the College of Education and Professional Studies. I'm delighted that some of our kinesiology education majors are going to be performing, and I'm interested in seeing what the hoola hoops do because I used to do those when I was probably so big, so it's going to be fun. I'm looking forward to this, although I"m thinking I'm going to pull my earmuffs out of my coat. I had them there to keep my ears warm, I might need them for sound. We're delighted that you're here in one of--believe it or not--one of our kinesiology classrooms, and so some of you spend a lot of time in here, some of you don't spend quite so much time. But I think we're in for a real treat tonight between our marching band, and I was disappointed in you drummers, because I hear you everyday as you're going over for practice--that's because my office is in Buzzard--and coming back from practice and I heard you today and I'm going 'they were awfully quiet walking in here, so I don't know what's going on. You must have told them that they couldn't march in with their drums going, I don't know. Anyway, we're excited to listen to you. We hope you're excited to see what our students have planned. I know I talked to Dr. Owen who is our department chair in kinesiology and sports studies--and Jill, if you want to come on down-- [applause]. Yay, Jill. Yay, Jill. I was asking her, have you seen them practice yet, do you know what they're going to do and she said that Dr. Ronspies wasn't letting her know what they were going to do, so at this point I have no idea what you're doing. I guess some people got a preview--had I known that I would've come over for the preview, but we're glad you're here. Welcome, and I'll give the microphone over to you. >> Dr. Jill Owen: Thank you Dean Jackman, and on behalf of the Department of Kinesiology and Sports Studies, I would like to welcome all of you. I have a nice group of, small group--we have a large group--of faculty that are here from the department. Stand on up! [applause]. As Dean Jackman said, this is one of our facilities and we do have some of our majors who are going to do some games. When Dr. Wahby came into my office--I see him once a year, and he always asks me for a basketball but he promises he won't bounce it. And I'm trying to think, I don't know what he does with this basketball, we bounce our basketballs, but anyway--so when he came in I was like 'okay, I'll run down, get you the basketball,' he's like 'no, no, no, I have something else I want to ask of you. So he asked if we would like to be a part of the ancient Egyptian symposium, and I was so thankful because--as our kinesiology and sports studies majors know--we don't just play basketball and volleyball. There really is a lot more to it. I know Mrs. McFarland teaches an international expression of dance, but it's a general education class. All of her students stand up--let her see you, come on! So again, when he asked, I was very very thrilled because Dr. Hussey and Dr. Ronspies both teach our methods courses, and our students had been going out into the schools, and they don't just teach basic skills but they do do games from other countries, other cultures, etcetera. So I'm going to, I would like to introduce our kinesiology and sports studies majors who I am so anxious to see what you're going to do. Would you stand up please? [applause]. And then I'd like to introduce Dr. Ronspies who when I offered this to the faculty, he was very gracious about saying I know my students can do this--so Dr. Ronspies. [applause]. >> Dr. Ronspies: Thank you folks. Before we get started, we'll have the band and the cheerleaders, and so forth, do their thing. Whoa--Pink Panthers, sorry, Pink Panthers. Oh, I'm going to be in trouble now. No, I did that on purpose just so you'd catch me saying something wrong. So, Pink Panthers and the band will be performing now and then we will get into my section after that. >> Dr. Wahby: Sorry, I forgot something. Will you please stand up? We want, please, to give thanks to the family and consumer sciences for designing this and for doing it. It is made not in USA army, but at Eastern Illinois University. [applause]. [no dialogue]. [band playing] [applause]. [no dialogue]. [band playing]. [applause]. [band playing]. [applause]. [band playing]. [applause]. [band playing]. [applause]. >> Dr. Ronspies: Let's give another round of applause. [applause]. Once again let's take this time to welcome everybody to the grand finale of the ancient Egyptian symposium. When this was first brought to us in the summer, I was very excited to get involved with it. I think this is just another great opportunity to show where, in my opinion, I think Eastern's the best place to be--because we have wonderful people like Dr. Wahby, we have wonderful people in the technology department working on this, we got John Looby helping us out. So it's the great people and the great students on campus here that make an event like this an awesome experience, so let's give a round of applause to all those people behind the scenes. As you know, you've always heard the old saying 'you always save the best for last,' but that's boring. That's not how we roll in physical education, we save the best for first. So Dr. Wahby, you know this surprise has been coming for a long time, I've been teasing you [unclear dialogue]. This is the man behind the scenes that has developed all this, and I think if you get a chance to meet Dr. Wahby or if you have not yet--I hope you do--this is truly a man that has a heart of gold, and I think that the community of Charleston, the Eastern community were very fortunate to have a professor like this on campus. So, Dr. Wahby, it's time to come up and get your surprise now. [applause]. Now, keep in mind this is just one of two because we like to spoil our folks in PE. So, on behalf of Dean Jackman and the College of Education and Professional Studies, Dr. Owen in kinesiology and sports studies, the best students on campus--my methods students--and, of course, on behalf of myself, we've got a certificate for Dr. Wahby for all of his efforts. So, Dr.. Wahby, that's surprise number one. [applause]. Now, of course we've got another surprise. We don't just give up there, obviously, so we're going to ask you to close your eyes for this one. This is--not that this one isn't cool--but this one's going to blow your mind. In fact, you have to because if you don't you're going to see it right away and I can't give out the secret yet, so close your eyes please. And on behalf of everybody of the KSS department and College of Education and Professional Studies, you can now put your hands out and you can open your eyes. And this is for you. [applause]. [unclear dialogue], you've got your own so now you're set. >> Dr. Wahby: I had to promise that it will never touch the ground, but now I can make it. Thank you. >> Dr. Ronspies: Thank you, appreciate it. [applause]. >> Dr. Wahby: I'd like to ask Dean Lanham to be with me because [unclear dialogue], so really when I had this crazy idea two years ago, I didn't even tell my [technical difficulties--no dialogue]. I didn't tell my dean either, I kept it secret. I wasn't sure what was going on, so I went to the speakers, to my colleagues and chairs and so forth--other than my chair--[unclear dialogue]. And as Jill remembers, she didn't see that even I saw it. The glow in her eyes said 'wow, it's a wonderful idea' and these kind of responses really made this, but I needed somebody to talk to, so before I went to my dean and my chair I went to Dean Lanham, tThis is the crazy idea I have' and [unclear dialogue]. Thank you very much. [applause]. We can share this, we can give him half of this. >> Dr. Ronspies: You guys can both share, right. Now the reason why you showed up, obviously. Tonight's more than just about presentation, it's more than just about a bunch of PowerPoint slides. It's an opportunity to really showcase the efforts of multiple disciplines and departments together, coming together as one and turning into a pretty significant symposium on campus. With that said, I'd like to welcome you again to our presentation tonight. You've got two screens to look at here, so whichever works best for you. Our topic tonight is "Ancient Egyptian Sport and Dance" and as you go through the presentation tonight, I want you to think about two things. One, you've always heard this common theme--the more things change, the more they stay the same. And as we go through this journey tonight and these presentation slides, I want you to think about that theme--the more things change, the more they stay the same--because you're going to see that theme over and over again in the slides. Also, at any point, if you feel like getting up and walking like an Egyptian, or you feel want to come out and dance with us--and I've got a really cool finale at the end that's going to make you want to move--you're more than welcome to get up and dance. You know what, I've got two left feet, too, so don't feel embarrassed if you want to get up and move like an Egyptian, alright. Let's go ahead and get started. Folks, I know we think we're a superpower, we think we're special, we think that we're the most dominant country in the world, but in all actuality, when we look at ourselves compared to ancient Egyptians, they were involved in physical activity for almost the identical reasons that we are. I mean just think about it--how intense in our society is football on Sundays? If you live down in the South, it's almost like a religion. They live and bleed sports. Ancient Egyptians compared to us was very similar. They got involved in it for the same reasons that we do. It's for enjoyment, it's for improving our fitness, it's for competition--which, fortunately or unfortunately nowadays we see that as a pretty important thing in our society--but they also got involved with it for celebration and religious rituals, similar to us. How many of you've been to a wedding recently? What do you do there--you dance. So Egyptians danced for the same reason also in terms of physical activity. It was also a way to express yourself, and as you see with a lot of the popular reality shows now today, there's a lot of expression through dance, so they're very similar to us in terms of why they chose to participate in physical activity. Just like with us, sports was a very intrical part of their culture. A lot of it was for competition, which we also still see today. As you can see here in this slide, they also recognized winners and losers. Now they may have done it a little more indignantly than we do nowadays, but they also acknowledged the fact that winners were typically winners because of their strength and prowess over the opponent, but the opponent was also held in high regards for their spirit and their vigor in the activity. As you can see here in today's society, we do the same thing. The winner is always highly regarded, isn't it? It's always about being number one. Unfortunately, maybe we should take some tips from the ancient Egyptians and hold more respect for those people who maybe don't always finish first as well. So as you can see, this is kind of the start of the winning and losing aspect in their culture you now have started to see in this culture, and folks we're talking a long time ago--1500, 2000 BC. Now you start to see the first infusion of rules and regulations, which we still use those today. That's what governs our sport. Everything has a rule, has a regulation, has a boundary, etcetera. Could you imagine if there were no rules for tennis? No rules and regulations for basketball or football? It would be chaotic. So we can owe a lot of what we still use today, in terms of how rules and boundaries and regulations were formed. And folks, let's be honest, almost all of our modern-day Olympic activities and events come from the Egyptians, so we owe a lot to them. How many of you watch the Olympics? When they come on, it's a pretty big deal. You train for 4 years, 5, 6 years out of your life, and you do it all over again the next cycle to compete for your country. And as you look at this list--I won't belabor that whole list because we recognize these--these are things we still do today, minus maybe the fencing with wooden swords, but fencing is an Olympic sport. So if you take a look at this list-archery, hockey, gymnastics, which you'll see some of that in our dance tonight as well. Tug of war--I always see the fraternities out there by the pond tugging on the rope with each other. This is where it came from originally, so we're still doing the same things--high jump, etcetera. So we owe a lot, in terms of our Olympic arena and how that's structured, to the ancient Egyptians. These are some murals that have been depicted in the tombs and so forth, in the pyramids, and as you see, you can start to recognize how it's going to look a little bit different but you can also start to recognize now that we've got archery, we've got javelin throw. What do you think this is? What do you think that third picture is? What's that in the first four months? It's hockey. That's the first form of hockey that we know it today. Now, obviously it looks a little bit different, okay. What do you think the first picture on the bottom left is? That's boxing, okay, so now you're starting to see boxing come into play. And we've also got equestrian activities, swimming and so forth. So as you see it, the more things, the more they really stay the same with respect to our sport culture. We're doing the same things that they did in the past. One particular sport in general which holds a big emphasis for us in our hearts, especially in physical education. We just got done teaching a handball unit at Charleston High School, and overall the students there had a good response to it. They enjoyed it, it was something different and it was something for them they could honestly engage in and have a good time and learn something as well. The first origins of this sport were depicted on various tombs, murals, etcetera. This is where handball got its start. As you see up here, how many of you are familiar with playing handball whether it was in secondary physical education, intramurals or just recreational play? If you're not familiar with it, we'll talk about it more in detail, but as you look at that top right picture, the first signs of hand games originated about 1500 BC in ancient Egypt. That's a long time ago, folks, and as you see, the game doesn't necessarily look like it does currently. Basically what you had was you had a person standing, you had a person on their back kind of piggy-back ride and then you had another team and the object was to throw the ball back and forth. Whoever dropped it then lost a point or the other team gained a point. Now as this sport started to transfuse into Europe, then it started to evolve into the games that we see today, and that was roughly in the 1890s is when that started. And it was actually modified and created by a physical education teacher. If you still type it in Google, you'll see it called "European team handball" still to this day, and that's where it kong of progressed into itself. So it's a pretty important game--I think we still see it widely used in not only the Olympics, but you also see it used in a lot of physical education curriculums as well. Now obviously their ball was much different than ours, they didn't have Sportime and Gopher and all these expensive places that build these gator balls, but they used a ball too and it was stuffed with either hay or plant fiber, so it was soft as well. It was a very soft ball and that's how they used it to play the game because they knew that if the ball is too hard, there would be lots of injuries. Any questions so far about just the game in general? We're going to model it here in just a second, and we're going to show a video of it as well. It's very similar to soccer, it has some components of basketball, etcetera. It's another form of what we call an invasion game, so it's got some of those premises. I'd like my group to come up now, my six people. We're going to model just a modified game for you. We're going to go right here on the stage. [unclear dialogue]. We're not going to play full speed obviously because we don't want to injure any of this wonderful equipment, alright, but here's the object of the game. You have two goalie, okay. Kyle is going to be one goalie, here and Wade's going to be the goalie over there. Now obviously the number of players can be anywhere up to 66, whatever you decide. The object of the game is to try to score the ball into the opponent's goal. You can only take three steps with the ball, or you can only hold the ball for three seconds. Now there's multiple versions of the rules and regulations, but those seem to be the most common [unclear dialogue] rules and regulations that are used today. So basically, what's going to happen is this. Kyle's going to start the game, he's got his two partners here, which are Matt and Al, and they're going to try to transfer the ball down the court and try to score against Wade. Now, I've told them obviously not to throw the ball as hard as they can, so there might not be any goals but this will give you an idea of kind of how it looks, then we'll show it on video as well. So, players, get ready to rock and roll! Alright, here we go, go! So they throw it down the court, the defense is trying to get a hold of that, they're trying to intercept it. Al's going to go ahead and shoot the ball. Oh, he doesn't make it. Okay, immediately goes again. It never stops, so as you can see there's a lot of wonderful benefits to the game just versus, you know, there's a fitness component, etcetera. Now obviously the game looks a little more intense when you play it full speed, alright. So, any questions so far about the game? It's no different than hockey, soccer, basketball--you're trying to invade the territory which is the opponents territory, to score a goal. Thanks folks [unclear dialogue]. [applause]. Now if you would please, we can look here at the screen and this is obviously a professional version game. So games always look different depending on who the player ability levels are, but here's just a snapshot of what the game would look like. >> handball announcer: /I Throws come from that broken line at 9 meters. Caiz, Mustafa. New York gets it to the wing and it's a great save by Alexander Voronov, the ageless goalkeeper for the Houston Firehawks. Ivan Paz scores! They'll take this free throw, looking to cut into four-goal deficit. Again off the woodwork. [unclear dialogue]. On a fast break goes Houston. Palacios will score, and he takes a dive. Rodrigo Palcios with his fourth of the half. Caiz to Mustafa, Mustafa scores! [clip ends]. >> Dr. Ronspies: I won't show the whole 6-minute video, obviously that's not necessary, but are there any questions about the game? Did you notice that around the goal, right in front of the goalie, was a very large arch. A very large arch, and what that's called is, sometimes they'll call it the forbidden zone. [unclear dialogue] dead zone, whatever name that you want to use. You can't go into that zone if you're a player. Now the goalie can move around in there, but players cannot go in there to score. Now you can jump outside of the line and shoot and then land in there, but then you have to come right back out, and that's how you ultimately score a goal. As you see, these folks do jump shots and are very aggressive, they throw the ball extremely hard, but they also don't have to worry about nice audio and digital equipment in their way either, so we don't want to do that. Are there any questions up to this point about ancient Egyptian sport? Would you agree or disagree--the more things change the more they stay the same? Could you see a lot of things that have been done in the past in their time compared to what we do now? Very similar, just with a few modifications and tweaks. Now for our next piece, we'll go into our dance section now. Unfortunately folks--I hate to tell you this--but we don't know a lot about ancient Egyptian dance. Why do you think that? What would be some rationale as to why do you think we wouldn't know a lot about their dancing? Go ahead, anybody can say it out loud. What do you think? >> male speaker: It's hard to depict movement in stone. >> Dr. Ronspies: Absolutely, it's hard to depict it and have a hard copy, evidence of it. And so as you see right here, yeah there were millions of depictions and paintings--that we know--but folks, a painting does not tell you much about what the dance means, how it was constructed, etcetera. So unfortunately, I hate to tell you, but we know little about ancient Egyptian dance but we know some and we're going to share that with you tonight. AS you see here, something very different to current times. Boys and girls, or men and women, never danced together in ancient Egyptian times. That came further along in the evolution of dancing as it got into Western civilization, but any depictions that you see, you never see a male and female dancing together as a pair. Now you may see groups dancing, male-female, but never as a pair, so I think that's of significant importance. Secondly, a lot of the dances were depicted in large groups. We're going to model that tonight. You're going to see about two groups of seven or eight people roughly. Oftentimes, it was done with large groups and to be honest the number one focus of most of the dancing was for religious or ceremonial purposes. That's what most of the dancing entailed. We don't know anything about the choreographic nature of the dances though. How did they train, how did they prepare for these ceremonies? We just don't know because, like you said, you can't decipher that just off of that painting on stone. It's just too hard to figure out where all that training and expertise came from, but as we know, they were very good dancers and, let's be honest, which gender do you think typically dominated most of the dancing at ceremonies, religious purposes, etcetera? Men or women? Women, it's women and you still see that stereotype today. We see it a lot in physical education. Guys don't do pirouettes, guys don't do headstands. Guess what? Our guys do. Our guys do and they do it well. Yes I [unclear dialogue], but as you'll see, in this picture up here too, this is the first signs of gymnastic movements. Now you start to see pirouettes, backbends, cartwheels, etcetera. This is the first sign in times of people incorporating gymnastic movements, and that's still pretty popular today, don't you think? Gymnastics is huge in the Olympics, gymnastics is huge with the younger generation in certain regions of the country. We're still doing the same things today. Unfortunately, I still haven't figured out how to do a cartwheel yet. I think I could teach it pretty well, I just can't do it. There's different forms of dance and, as we know folks, most of the dancing was for religious or ceremonial purposes, just like when we go to the clubs on the weekends, students, and we want to express ourselves through dance, however that may look. We might go to a wedding and dance, we might go to a theatric performance. Dance is very important in our lives today too, and as you see here on the screen, there were different types of dances. Some they just wanted to release energy. They just wanted to move around. Others had more of a gymnastic twist to it. They had cartwheels back then, pirouettes, etcetera. You've also seen some imitating type dances of animals. We still do that today when we teach physical education at the elementary level. When I say go, I want you to pretend like you're a turtle, I want you to pretend to walk really slow. So we still do these same things too in education, especially in the physical education arena. Obviously [unclear dialogue]. Now we don't necessarily dance at funerals, but we do dance at weddings and other celebrations etcetera. We do a different form of mourning or celebrating a funeral versus the Egyptians. Lyrical dances told stories. You still see that today--dance telling a story. It's a way of expressing some kind of a story or some kind of a theme. Funeral dancing we already talked about, and probably the most prevalent one you'll see, which we won't model tonight--dancing to the gods, worshipping gods. Any questions about the different types of dances? Can we relate to most of these? Sure, we can, we can relate to a lot of those, we still do them today. Now you start to see the development of instruments, same ones you saw here a little bit ago, only in a modified form. You saw a lot of wind instruments--flutes, clarinets. I saw some clarinets out here just a little bit ago. Still using them today folks, nothing's changed a whole lot. You also saw some string instruments--harps, guitars. How many of you've seen that commercial with the boy in Japan, he's playing his guitar, his dad takes the plug and unplugs it. Guitars are very popular still, especially with the younger generation and some of the middle and older-aged people as well. Percussion instruments--who doesn't love the sound of a drum? Who doesn't just get excited when you hear that? You heard it here, we all were afraid that our eardrums were going to blow out, but the drum dominates the rhythm and it feels good, it makes you want to move. Ancient Egyptians were no different, this was the first start of instruments as we know it today. How many of you were in band--high school, junior high? And you probably played some of these. They're the most popular instruments--trumpets, clarinets, drums, etcetera. The more things change, the more they still stay the same. Arguably the most important god in ancient Egyptian times was the sun god, Ra. [unclear dialogue], you'll see it spelled R-A. R-E, either is okay. This was arguably the most important god to the Egyptians. He represented light, growth and warmth. The sun's pretty important to us today, don't you think? I mean geez, 20 minutes of sun a day is all the vitamin B you need for all day if you're outside. How many of you've noticed on campus, when it's winter time you don't see a lot of students walking around, everybody's kind of bummed out, would rather be sleep in bed instead of going to class? But oh boy, the minute spring comes and the sun starts shining, the campus changes. I know for me personally, my dad is a farmer in Nebraska. The sun is very important to us--that's how we make our living. And for those people here in Illinois too, the sun is a very important part of our daily lives. We thrive on sunshine for various things. Ra was typically represented as a hawk, had a hawk head, just a normal body but was always typically seen as a hawk. The most important god, keep reading over and over again--this was the most important god to the ancient Egyptians. Now, it was thought that every night Ra was swallowed up by the sky goddess Nut, and every morning he was reborn again and the sun would shine. That makes a lot of sense, don't you think? Look now, it's dark and all of a sudden the sun comes back up in the morning and does it all over again. So you can see where this culture started to believe in that, that these gods were that important. And that's how we get night and day, is through these two gods. The moment you've been waiting for, okay, here it is. We will now perform a tribute to the sun god Ra. We have--I should say they-have created a dance that they would like to share with you, and it is our depiction of celebrating the sun god. And with that said, I'll stop rambling and we're going to start dancing, so dancers let's get ready. [applause]. Okay, just give us a second. [unclear dialogue]. Alright, once again, you want to get up and you want to move a little bit--it's boring sitting on a hard bleacher all day, it's like sitting in a class all day in a hard desk, that's no fun. If you want to get up and move around while we dance, you're more than welcome to come out here or you can stay where you are, but I promise you I have a surprise for you if you're sitting in the bleachers. Alright dancers, are you ready? The dance is about 2 minutes, 20 seconds, so it's not super long but I think it's a good representation of just creative movement and expressing our words up to a god, which is the sun god Ra. So with that said, dancers are you ready to rock and roll? Audience, are you ready to rock and roll? [audience responds, applause]. Okay, dancers, music starts now. [\m music playing \m\m]. [applause]. Well what did you think? Was it a good rendition to the ancient sun god? Did we do it justice? I think a pretty good job, well done teachers. That's not an easy thing to do, to dance in front of your peers and audience and as you see, guys can do pirouettes too. Guys can do headstands and cartwheels and etcetera. It's an acceptable form of creative movement. Now, as I said before, the more things change, the more they stay the same. I'd like you to take a look at this clip that I have here now. [no dialogue]. >> Kevin Bacon: Class, I just wanted to say a few words about this motion so that you wouldn't think we were encouraging destruction with this idea. From the oldest of times peopled danced for a number of reasons. They danced in prayer or so that their crops would be plentiful, or so that their hunt would be good. And they danced to stay physically fit and show their community spirit. And they danced to celebrate". And that is the dancing that we're talking about. Aren't we told in Psalm 149? "Praise ye the Lord, sing unto the Lord a new song. Let them praise his name in a dance". >> class members: Amen. >> Kevin Bacon: And it was King David--King David who we read about in Samuel. And what did David do? What did David do? What did David do? "David danced before the Lord with all his might, leaping and dancing before the Lord". Leaping and dancing. Ecclesiastes assures us that there is a time for every purpose under heaven. A time to laugh and a time to weep, a time to mourn, and there is a time to dance. And there was a time for this law, but not anymore. See this is our time to dance. It is our way of celebrating life. It's the way it was in the beginning. It's the way it's always been. It's the way it should be now. >> Dr. Ronspies: How many of you recognize that clip? [applause]. As you see folks, it hasn't changed. Nothing has changed in terms of the way that we express ourselves through sport, physical activity, dance, etcetera. It's still the same. We still do it for the same reaons, and we owe a lot of that to our ancient Egyptian culture and our friends there. We see this slide here, but you have no idea what it's talking about. And now is your moment folks, if you've got to get up, you've got to do it now. If you want to come out here and just let loose for the partner and dance with your husband or wife or your friend, it doesn't matter. You've got to get up. Now is your time because it's going to be rocking here in a second. I'm just preparing you, I'm not forcing you to come out here. Just like [unclear dialogue], we always give people choice, but if you want to get up where you are and just let loose, you got about 5 seconds to get ready. Alright, [unclear dialogue]. Alright, are you ready? [no dialogue]. >> Kevin Bacon: Hey, what's this I see? I thought this was a party. Let's dance! [\m music playing \m\m] >> male speaker: Just watch, alright? [no dialogue]. >> Dr. Ronspies: Those kids want to dance for celebration, too. You saw some similar movements in their dance in comparison to ours. You saw the gentleman wave his arms like this, you saw some of the girls raise their hands in the air, you saw some kicks, you saw some rolls, etcetera. Folks, nothing has changed. We're still dancing and playing sport and being physically active for the same reasons that we were in 1500 BC. Nothing really has changed. So now you're sitting here--so what, I had to show up to this, it wasn't really that exciting, I'm here. This is what I call the "so what slide". Implications for us--what can you, the audience member, take away from this experience, and this is what I hope you can gain from it. One, folks, we're not that different. The more things have changed, it's really all the same still with respect to sport dance and the two cultures that we're talking about. Secondly, how may physical activity--sport or dance--fit into your life? We know what the ancient Egyptians did these things for, but let's share some ideas--you don't have to say it out loud if you don't want. How do you incorporate sport, dance, etcetera into your life currently? Anyone, what do you do on a daily basis? I bet you I can guess one--you pay for it every semester. The rec center--do you go there to exercise, to socialize, to work on fitness, etcetera? Well there's one, let's get the ball rolling now, let's get the snowball going. How do you incorporate these things into your life? Anyone--come on now, there's lots of people here, there's got to be somebody thinking about something. \I >> female audience member: Dance at bars. \P >> Dr. Ronspies: Okay, dance at bars or clubs. You do it to socialize, to meet people, etcetera. That's a very important aspect of a young adult's life. How else do you incorporate these things--physical activity, sport, dance? Intramurals, okay. Anybody else, a few more. Anybody else? \I >> male audience member: You walk. \P >> Dr. Ronspies: You walk. You might walk to class, you might walk back home, you may walk to a friend's house. I see lots of people walking on Thursday nights, okay. I'm sure that's not their number one objective is physical fitness but they're walking at least--upright. Next--we have a lot of opportunities available to us. We have intramurals, we have competitive sport and dance. Dr. Hussey and I just love to watch those crews that do the step practice in the gym on Tuesday, Thursday nights--they're highly skilled movers. And they do competitions for fraternities, so forth, and they go up to Chicago and dance in competitions. Folks, we have no excuse to not be physically active in some form or another. We've got lots of opportunities available to us and I encourage you to explore those and find what works for you, not just what some trainer says, but what do you enjoy doing--and try to stick with it the best you can. Share these opportunities with others. We just talked about this in methods today. When you ask kids to pick a partner, who do they pick first? Their friend. Encourage a mom, a dad, a roommate, a brother, a sister, etcetera, to go for a walk, go to the rec center. Who wants to work out alone? That's why you see a lot of people with ear buds in their ears, because it distracts them from that. Invite people to go do things. Go play frisbee golf, use the facilities that we have here on campus. Folks, you pay for them, you might as well use them. Select what you enjoy doing and try to stick with it. And last but not least, maybe the most important thing is you've got to have fun with it. I don't like walking on a treadmill, so that's why I don't do it, but if that's your gig then go for it. Or if you like to go hike trails, etcetera--pick what works for you. There's no secret formula. So that's what I hope you take away from this experience. And last but not least, just a quote to think about before you go. As you can see, the past has brought us a lot of things we still use today. We've got to learn from it, grasp it and then move on and try to make it better, and that should be the goal of anybody who's trying to grow in goals personally or professionally. Questions? [applause]. Real quick before I let you loose--and we did pretty good time, Kyle, 7:08. Boy, I tell you what, we're sharp, aren't we, in PE. Thanks again. If I missed anybody, I do apologize. We want to thank Dr. Wahby for everything that he's done for us and Dean Lanham as well. [unclear dialogue]. We also want to thank methods students for their efforts as well. We got Wes up there. Thanks Wes, for staying awake. We got Pete Grant over here who, you can't imagine what he did for us, so we want to thank him. [applause]. And ultimately, obviously anybody that I've missed, we want to thank. And Bev, too--she's all over the place taking pictures. [applause]. \I >> Dr. Wahby: [unclear dialogue]. \P >. Dr. Ronspies: Thank you, we appreciate it. \I Dr. Wahby: [unclear dialogue]. \P >> Dr. Ronspies: Yes, for the scarves, for the scarves. We appreciate those as well, thank you. Folks thank you for coming, that's all we got. You're more than welcome to stick around if you have any questions. Thank you. [no dialogue].